Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Digipak Designs - Audience Research and Conclusions

I chose 10 boys and 10 girls that fit my target audience profile to look at the 10 designs that I had done for my back cover of my digipak and asked them to put a line under each one that they liked. This would give me an idea of the design and layout that I should be using.
Below is are scanned images of the results that I got:

These results have told me that the image of the hand reaching up was the most popular, following was the design of the two hands and then finally was the biting lips. This will allow me to make decisions based on whether I want to use the sketches for my back cover, my CD cover, my inside booklet or even at all. 
This audience research has really helped, because I was going to use the design of the hand reaching upwards and the writing on the side, but the research has shown me the writing beneath is the most appreciated - this has saved me from a making a marketing error, and will hopefully contribute to the success of my digipak. 
Because of this I have decided to use the design featured below as my back cover to my digipak: 

This final design features the barcode and the record company at the bottom centre of the back cover. I feel that this back cover will be popular with my target audience due to the positive feedback I got from my survey. I also believe that it will make people associate this album with mystery and creativity, something raw and powerful. This is found in the sketch - it's unifinished, it's not painted or finalised it is just a simple sketch, but the gesture suggests reaching for something, and that will really capture people's curiosity - and will hopefully contribute to the success of this digipak.

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